Embracing the Winter Blues

 Embracing the Winter Blues

As we reach mid-September, summer is giving way to autumn. The nights are drawing in earlier; the sun’s shine is far less fierce; the green verdure is giving way to an array of crisp orange. Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas – for some, the change in seasons signals that we are approaching the most wonderful time of the year. For many others, however, this sentiment is far from the truth.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, appropriately abbreviated to SAD, is perhaps more commonly known by its epithet – the Winter Blues. Whilst many rejoice at the thought of frosty nights and hearty meals, many others fear the reappearance of their SAD. As of writing, there’s no known cause of SAD, but many researchers concur that it’s an amalgamation of changes that can leave a person feeling overwhelmed. Less sunlight, changes to your body clock, or simply an increased level of stress, these are all hypothesized reasons for the disorder. Regardless of the cause, SAD is a very real thing, and can really hinder some people from truly enjoying the winter months.

Fortunately, an abundance of research has gone into combatting SAD. With mental health discourse on the rise, in both academia and mainstream media – people who struggle with disorders such as SAD are finally being given the recognition they deserve. Light therapy (which entails the use of calming colours to help ease the mind) is a blossoming method of prevention and may be the answer for some people. Others may opt for more basic, tried, and tested techniques. Despite the cold, spending plenty of time outdoors, especially during daylight hours, can prove hugely beneficial in preventing SAD. Moreover, keeping up with your normal routines can all reduce the winter blues in their own ways, be that regular exercise, meeting with friends, or going on days out.

So, if ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, is feeling far from wonderful for you, fear not, as you’re definitely not alone. The winter blues are a very real thing, and luckily, there are plenty of ways for you to combat them. Everyone deserves to feel warmth during the coldest months of the year, and if you find yourself struggling, it is definitely worth trying a few of the techniques mentioned.


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